AMP KiwiSaver Scheme

There’s a lot more to selecting a KiwiSaver fund than just checking past returns and fees. If your hard-earned money is invested in KiwiSaver, you need to ask the important questions to understand where and how that money is invested.

Looking for the AMP KiwiSaver Login portal?
Provider Name
National Capital Research Report
Login Link
Available on this page.
What questions are important to Investors?

If you want to check your account performance, you can do so via the AMP KiwiSaver login above. If you have any trouble signing in, here’s our dedicated troubleshooting section about the AMP KiwiSaver login.

What questions are important to Investors?

Note: The following information is taken from AMP Kiwisaver Scheme’s own website, fund updates, and the product disclosure statements as of July 2023.

Review of the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme

A short summary review of the provider

Updated: 7th July 2023
Reviewed by: Raymond Hu

AMP KiwiSaver Scheme review

The AMP KiwiSaver Scheme is different from many of the other KiwiSaver providers as they have funds from other managers along with their own funds on their platform. As such, a customer could invest in an ANZ or ASB fund via the AMP KiwiSaver login. One possible benefit of this is that you could create a diversified portfolio of managers within the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme. This allows you to diversify and negate the conventional limitation of KiwiSaver which normally restricts you to be with only one Provider. The downside is that you could be paying slightly more fees to be with the funds within AMP than you would pay if you were directly invested, for example, in the ANZ and ASB funds directly.

In general, the returns of AMP-managed funds in the last 5 to 10 years have not been as high as compared to comparable funds from managers such as Milford and Fisher. However, AMP has issued a statement saying they are taking steps to rectify that by changing investment strategies and reducing fees.

Changes within the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme

In Oct 2020, AMP announced that their actively managed KiwiSaver funds will be switching to a predominantly index-based investment approach. The scheme would be switching to a passive investment structure managed by US-based fund manager BlackRock Investment Management.

In July 2021, fees within the scheme were reduced and the fee structure was simplified by combining the management and administration fees into a single amount. The fees for eleven AMP named funds were reduced to a standard of 0.79% of the invested funds per annum. However, the default and cash fund fees remained the same.

AMP also lost its default provider status in 2021 as part of a larger overhaul of the Default KiwiSaver scheme by MBIE.

In closing

Based on past performance alone, AMP is not one of the top-ranking KiwiSaver Providers – but the changes they have been implementing might change that. AMP is a very large company and it may be able to use its vast resources and scale to the advantage of both AMP and its clients. Time will tell. You can check your investment performance through the AMP KiwiSaver login.


How does AMP compare to others?

Best Performing KiwiSaver Funds

Milford Conservative
Generate Moderate
Kiwi Wealth Balanced
Milford Active Growth
High Growth
Booster SRI High Growth

*Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
*List is of the highest 5-year returns A-rated funds as per our Investment Selection Process.
*All returns are after fees and tax (28% PIR) as of the quarter ended 31st December 2023.
*Source: National Capital Research February 2024

Is your KiwiSaver fund missing from the list?

We’re here to help find the best KiwiSaver fund for you. Let’s start by providing you with a comparison report of your existing fund.

It’s important to check the health of your KiwiSaver fund and understand its position within the market. Submit the form below to view a simple graphic report of your fund.

KiwiSaver fund missing
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Best Performing KiwiSaver Funds

Milford Conservative
Generate Moderate
Kiwi Wealth Balanced
Milford Active Growth
High Growth
Booster SRI High Growth
Pathfinder Conservative
Generate Moderate
Pathfinder Balanced
Pathfinder Growth
High Growth
Milford Aggressive
Milford Conservative
Generate Moderate
Kiwi Wealth Balanced
Milford Active Growth
High Growth
Booster SRI High Growth

*Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
*All returns are per annum after fees and tax (28% PIR) as of the quarter ended 30th September 2024.
*Source: National Capital Research

What is the best KiwiSaver fund for you?

We’re here to help find the best KiwiSaver fund for you. Our team are financial advisers specialising in KiwiSaver & Investment research. We provide free KiwiSaver advice, with the goal of empowering Kiwis to become financially secure.

By taking a few minutes of your time to complete our KiwiSaver HealthCheck questionnaire, you will receive an instant recommendation tailored specifically to your goals and beliefs. 

Our system combines the latest figures and technology to provide the most suited recommendations. Nonetheless, whether you take us up on the advice, is completely up to you. 

Latest News on AMP

Useful news related to the AMP KiwiSaver Scheme

Who is AMP?

Facts & History of the provider

AMP Capital and AMP Wealth Management are part of the AMP Group. They share a heritage that spans over 170 years. They started back in 1849 as the investment management arm of AMP Group.


Total Assets Under Management in their KiwiSaver scheme (AUM) is $5.8 billion and 146,160 Kiwisaver members as of 31 March 2023. You can choose between funds via the AMP KiwiSaver login.


– Top Reducer for Toitu Brighter Future Awards 2022 (Finalist)

– Responsible Investment Leader 2022 for Responsible Investment Association of Australia (RIAA)

Who are the people looking after my money?

The investment team, structure and their alignment with clients
The Investment Team

Jeff Ruscoe – Managing Director, AMP Wealth Management New Zealand

Jeff started with AMP in 2002 and has held a number of roles including General Manager Customer Service and General Manager Product and Marketing. In April 2019 Jeff was appointed Chief Client Officer, responsible for serving AMP’s clients through its marketing, retention and product initiatives.

Jeff’s career in financial services includes roles in strategy, sales, distribution and product at AMP and marketing and investment roles at the Medical Assurance Society and the Public Trust. Jeff was appointed Managing Director in May 2022.

Mark Ennis – Managing Director, AdviceFirst Limited

Mark has over 20 years’ senior management experience in financial services, including leadership positions in strategy, marketing, customer service and technology. Mark is responsible for AMP’s associated AdviceFirst business, which helps individuals, families and businesses with all types of Insurance, KiwiSaver and Investments, he joined AdviceFirst in November 2013 bringing his specialist skills to help develop the business and its service for customers. Mark holds a First Class Honours Business Studies degree from Massey University, majoring in Marketing.

Jacky Hollingsworth – Chief Financial Officer

Jacky brings over 25 years of experience, with a successful background in managing the financial performance and profitability of a wide range of organisations and corporates. Having held CFO roles at ATEED – Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development, McDonald’s Restaurants (NZ) and a fund administration company MMC Group, Jacky has been involved in developing teams who look beyond the numbers, embrace innovation and new ways of thinking.

Jacky believes investing in people, allowing them a space to think differently helps build a collaborative and supportive culture that is core to the success of an organisation. Jacky leads AMP’s financial management & control, risk & compliance and investment accounting teams and holds a BCom (Merit) from University of Wollongong (Australia) and is a member of CPA (Australia) and the Institute of Directors New Zealand.

Aaron Klee – General Manager, Investment Management & Services

Aaron has over 25 years’ experience in the financial services and funds management industry and has been with AMP for over 12 years. He has performed a number of senior roles within AMP, and has led a range of strategic projects for the business, including reshaping the company’s investment structure and philosophy – the most significant investment change in AMP New Zealand’s recent history.

Aaron is responsible for investment management at AMP, as well as managing the WealthView platform, legacy products and product compliance & operations. As part of these responsibilities, he leads the company’s sustainability and sustainable investing strategy. This includes the business’s strategy to deliver a net zero outcome as the world tackles the climate change challenge.

How is the Investment Team Structred?

AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited is the manager of the Scheme. Currently the ultimate holding company is AMP Limited, a company incorporated in Australia. The directors of AMP Wealth Management New Zealand Limited are: Jeffery Darren Ruscoe, of Auckland Mark David Ennis, of Wellington Katie Priscilla Breatnach, of Auckland.

AMP forms part of a group of AMP entities in New Zealand collectively known as AMP Wealth Management New Zealand (AMPWM NZ). AMPWM NZ has established governance procedures to oversee the activities carried out by members of the group, and make decisions on behalf of members of the group. Those governance procedures apply to AMP. The AMPWM NZ Investment Committee oversees the development, implementation, monitoring and performance of the investment strategy of the Funds.

Responsibilities of the manager include offering interests in the Scheme for subscription, issuing interests in the Scheme, managing Scheme assets, and administering the Scheme. Management may delegate the performance of any of their powers, authorities, functions or discretions to an officer or an employee or any other person they nominate, including an associated person, in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed. Management remain liable for the acts and omissions of those delegates. Management can also appoint investment managers, administration managers, and other experts (which can be their associated persons). Management also manage the investments of the Scheme and each Fund and may, subject to compliance with the Scheme’s SIPO and Trust Deed, give The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited (Supervisor) whatever directions are considered necessary in that regard.

Due to the wide range of funds offered, the investment teams behind AMP’s KiwiSaver Scheme is based on the particular fund itself. The assets of the Funds are generally invested in underlying investment funds (underlying funds), which may be managed by AMP or another fund manager. Fund management services for underlying funds are performed by the underlying funds’ fund managers (underlying fund managers) in the case of the “ANZ”, “Mercer”, “Milford”, “Nikko”, and “Smartshares” Funds offered, but the Manager is the underlying fund manager in the case of the “AMP”-branded Funds.

For more information on the Investment Team Structure, please see the link below:

Incentives and Fees

AMP charges a yearly membership fee of $23.40, regardless of how many funds you choose. This will be paid via monthly deductions of $1.95 from your balance which you can track via the AMP KiwiSaver login. There are no contribution, establishment, termination or withdrawal fees. The total annual fund charges are made up of AMP’s management fee as well as costs & expenses. The fund charges an estimated 0.79% for AMP’s own funds (Conservative, Moderate, Moderate Balanced, Balanced, Growth, and Aggressive fund). Funds pertaining to other entities (e.g. ANZ Growth Fund, Milford Active Fund, AMP Australasian Shares Fund etc.) have total annual fund charges ranging from 0.79%-1.65%, averaging 1.08%.

The management fee is used to pay for the investment management services of AMP Capital for managing the underlying funds in which the assets of the Funds are invested. However, they are entitled to be reimbursed from the Funds for any performance fee charged by an underlying fund manager that is not related to them where that expense is passed on to them. The management fee is calculated daily as a percentage of the value of your investment in each Fund. It is deducted from each Fund and reflected in the value of your units. You can check the value of your units through the AMP KiwiSaver login.

If you transfer from the Scheme to an overseas account, (e.g. as a result of a transfer to an Australian complying superannuation fund) a bank transfer fee may be charged by the initiating and receiving banks that enable the transfer. The Australian complying superannuation fund provider or other recipients of a transfer may also charge a fee.

For more information, below is a link to their Incentives and Fees in full:

How do I know my money is safe?

Governance & Compliance processes

All KiwiSaver Providers must ensure they meet regulatory standards and act with customer interests in mind.

KiwiSaver Scheme Managers must exercise care, diligence, and skill in the investment of scheme assets, and act in accordance with the stated investment policy and objectives. The FMA monitors that KiwiSaver Schemes are compliant with their obligations. Additionally, KiwiSaver Trustees also have a responsibility as front-line supervisors for monitoring the management and administration of these schemes. Essentially, regulatory bodies are in charge of enforcing performance beyond what you can see through your AMP KiwiSaver login.

AMP's Supervisor & Custodian

The Supervisor and Custodian of the Scheme are The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited. A supervisor is a licensed entity independent of a KiwiSaver provider that supervises the provider’s management of the scheme. KiwiSaver schemes are trusts, and (except for restricted schemes) the terms of the trust deed states that the supervisor (or another custodian) must hold all contributions and investments in trust for the investors.

The Supervisor is responsible for the following functions:

  • Supervising the performance by the Manager of its functions and its issuer obligations.
  • Supervising the financial position of the Manager and the Scheme to ascertain that it is adequate.
  • Acting on behalf of the investors in relation to the Manager;
  • Reporting to the FMA any contravention or likely contravention of the Manager of an issuer obligation.
  • Holding the Scheme’s property, or ensuring that it is held, in accordance with the FMCA.

The Supervisor may also appoint agents and delegate certain functions, including a custodian for the Scheme (with their approval). A custodian plays a key role in protecting your KiwiSaver investment. They hold your money and investments (i.e. keep custody of them) on your behalf. So they are the legal holder of your assets seen through the AMP KiwiSaver login while you are the beneficial and ultimate owner.

The Guardian Trust is the corporate trustee for many of New Zealand’s leading corporations, financial institutions, fund managers and banks. Their clients span a broad range of business activities and the quality of their client portfolio reflects their status as a provider of corporate trustee services in New Zealand. As of June 2018, they manage funds in excess of NZ$ 120 billion.

AMP’s Governance Process & Corporate Policies

AMP upholds 13 major Corporate Policies:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Supplier Code of practice
  • Enterprise Risk Management Policy
  • Inclusion and diversity policy
  • Market Disclosure policy
  • NMMT Limited Non-advised Clients Policy
  • Proxy voting
  • Political donations
  • Trading policy
  • Whistleblowing policy
  • Anti-bribery and corruption policy
  • Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing Global Policy
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)

AMP’s Corporate Governance Highlights:

  • Key Enablers: AMP outlined its strategic path to the new AMP with a streamlined portfolio focused on customers and underpinned by four key enablers:
    • Purpose and Culture
    • Brand, Reputation and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
    • Digital and Data Capability
    • Respect Risk
  • Board Appointment: AMP continued to ensure the board has a mix of skills, background and experience relevant to AMP, appointing Andrew Best as a new independent non-executive director in July 2022 who brings to the board valuable insights in capital management, financial markets and mergers and acquisitions.
  • Reshaping Committee structure and establishment of Advisory Group: As AMP’s transformation initiatives stabilised, and in line with stakeholder feedback, AMP completed a comprehensive review of its board committees structure resulting in the reduction of committee members for certain of its committees. AMP’s board also established two advisory groups for an initial six-month period to support and promote AMP’s key strategic enablers. These board advisory groups are tasked to conduct workshops and deep dives with management with their key focus on ESG & sustainability and technology transformation. These changes resulted in a further reduction in the total amount of fees paid to directors from 1 October 2022, continuing the progressive reduction in aggregate director fees since 2019 by a total of 40.4%.
  • Purpose and values: AMP recommitted to being a purpose-led organisation. AMP’s new purpose statement “Helping people create their tomorrow” is AMP’s commitment to delivering value to all stakeholders. AMP’s values help bring this purpose to life and provide a simple and clear set of expectations for all employees.
  • Culture, conduct & ethical behaviour: AMP’s purpose and values, together with AMP’s Code of Conduct, set clear standards for how AMP delivers on its strategy and how employees hold each other accountable. AMP launched new performance and recognition programs to drive accountability, and positively encourage employees to promote and work in alignment with AMP’s values.
  • Risk culture: AMP continued to evolve its approach to risk culture to improve alignment with AMP’s new purpose statement and values, and regularly review focus areas. AMP continued to engage with all employees on risk culture via the internal Speak Up survey, providing employees with opportunities to share their experiences of risk culture and provide valuable feedback. AMP also introduced enhanced reporting and assessment capability.
  • Diversity: AMP achieved gender diversity targets 40:40:20 at board, executive management, middle management and the workforce generally. AMP also conducted a refreshed Inclusion and Diversity census to better understand AMP’s people and their experience working at AMP, and to help prioritise AMP’s inclusion focus areas.
  • Sustainability & ESG performance: In 2022, AMP continued to see strengthened performance across a range of external ESG benchmarks. This included maintaining its ‘Prime’ rating by ISS ESG 1, which is awarded to companies with ESG performance above sector specific thresholds, and its ‘A-’ leadership Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) rating 2, which is aligned to the TCFD framework. In 2022, AMP was also included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Australia Index for the first time, which tracks the performance of the top 30% of the 200 listed Australian companies in the S&P/ASX 200 that lead the field in terms of sustainability.

For more information about their Corporate Governance, please see the link below :

How do they decide where to invest?

The investment processes followed by the manager
AMP's Investment Belief

AMP seeks to provide investors with a range of KiwiSaver investment options and investment management styles to enable to them to tailor a portfolio that suits their unique goals and needs. The Manager does this by investing the Funds within the Scheme into a range of underlying funds. For non-AMP branded funds, you can see those options and the major investment make-up of funds through your AMP KiwiSaver login.

For AMP branded Funds, AMP believes in investing sustainably for long-term returns and hence avoids investing in companies involved in business sectors that focus on non-sustainability. AMP believes that the benchmark asset allocation (BAA) drives the majority of the returns available in the market. AMP believes that by utilising mainly index management strategies to both lower management costs on behalf of the client as well as acknowledging the difficulty in outperforming the market, however they may consider other investment strategies if they can clearly demonstrate that anticipated outcomes outweigh the cost. AMP believes in investing in transparent assets, both for the accessibility of the managers and the clients. You can see this through your AMP KiwiSaver login.

Investment Process

The Manager oversees the development, implementation, monitoring and performance of the Funds’ investment strategy within the Scheme, including appointing and removing the underlying fund manager(s).

The Manager and AMP Capital are parties to an agreement affecting the investment management decisions made in respect of certain AMP Group Products, including the Kiwisaver Scheme. The Scheme invests in a range of wholesale and retail diversified and single-sector funds. The Manager may seek advice and recommendations from AMP Capital and may consult about matters concerning the AMP Capital underlying funds into which the relevant Funds invest.

The Investment Committee also utilises investment research and other tools to provide recommendations on the underlying fund managers where applicable. The Investment Committee monitors and reviews the investment performance, investment options and compliance with contractual arrangements of the underlying fund managers quarterly.

The review is based on the reports submitted by the underlying fund managers. Benchmark Asset Allocations are reviewed from time to time and at least annually by the Investment Committee.

Investment Monitoring

Performance is measured on an absolute return basis as well as relative to each Fund’s benchmark indices and its performance objective. In monitoring investment performance, the Investment Committee considers the reports submitted to them by the underlying fund managers for the underlying funds. Attribution analysis is also provided by the underlying fund managers where the fund is actively managed. You can also keep track of performance through your own AMP KiwiSaver login.

Currency Hedging Policy and Monitoring

Hedging may be used within each of the funds, or underlying funds, to manage the exposure of assets to exchange rate fluctuations. A hedged position will not produce the full benefit of a favourable exchange rate movement but, at the same time, will not expose the fund to the full loss potential of an unfavourable exchange rate movement. A fund which incorporates a currency hedge provides a buffer against currency fluctuations either in whole or in part.

For each of the Funds with foreign currency exposure, the Manager has adopted a currency hedging policy and monitoring process that is implemented within the underlying funds by the underlying fund managers or, in the case of the Manager’s underlying funds, BlackRock. Hedging is not undertaken directly within the Funds.

To ensure that the underlying funds comply with the currency hedging policy and monitoring process, the Manager will obtain on a quarterly basis a compliance certificate from the underlying fund managers and, in the case of the Manager’s underlying funds, BlackRock confirming that the policy has been adhered to in accordance with the relevant investment management agreement.

For further information,  please see the link below:

Does AMP Invest responsibly?

Social and Ethical Considerations

Socially responsible investing (SRI) or Environmental, Social and Governance investing (ESG), also known as sustainable, socially conscious, “green” or ethical investing, is any investment strategy which seeks to consider both financial return and social/environmental good to bring about social change regarded as positive by society.

Basically, SRI investing is investing in companies that have a positive impact on society, based on a number of factors.

AMP’s Responsible Investment Policy & Ethical Exclusions

AMP has adopted a Sustainable Investment Philosophy. These elements include:

Sustainable investment exclusions: For AMP branded funds, AMP uses a mandate structure which allows certain sectors and securities to be excluded, such as:

  • Controversial weapons
  • Civilian firearms
  • Military weapons
  • Fossil fuel
  • Nuclear power
  • Tobacco
  • Palm oil
  • Whale products
  • UN Global violators
  • Primary industry exclusions (Coal, Integrated Oil & Gas, Drilling, Equipment and Production)
  • NZ Super Fund exclusions

Where an underlying fund manager, appointed by a related party fund manager or an external fund manager, cannot invest consistently with this policy, the Manager will, among other things, consider the extent to which the relevant fund(s) can invest in Excluded Securities and will seek engagement with the relevant fund manager, where possible, to influence their own investment policy.

Further information can be found in their Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO).

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Sustainability Risks

To AMP, sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising future generations. As custodians of their customer’s money and future, they face complex economic, social and environmental challenges which bring both risks and opportunities to the customers, people and communities.

AMP’s risk management framework includes a consideration of emerging risks, including conduct risk, digital disruption and security risks (including privacy and data breaches) and environmental, social and governance risks.

AMP’s approach to these risks and ESG issues is centred upon three connected areas of stakeholder focus – customers and members, people and partners, and community and environment. AMP assesses the economic, social and environmental issues of greatest importance and impact to AMP’s stakeholders through an annual materiality process. This is to ensure AMP prioritises its focus on key material issues.

AMP’s commitment to managing its business sustainability in 2022 includes:

  • supporting the financial wellness of customers and members to address financial capability and hardship
  • providing high quality customer products and services that create value for customers, including the launch of a market-leading retirement product
  • supporting employees with their health, safety and wellbeing and conducting an inclusion and diversity survey across the workforce
  • strengthening considerations for modern slavery related risks in AMP’s supply chains and business activities, including an external review by a human rights consultant
  • supporting communities through charities and social enterprises via the AMP Foundation
  • reducing direct operational scope 1 and 2 emissions and publishing the carbon footprint of AMP Investment flagship funds
  • enhancing AMP’s approach to responsible investment following the sale of AMP Capital businesses
  • engaging university students through AMP’s Youth Advisory Committee to consider sustainability and ESG issues from a different perspective.

For more information about their Risk Management Framework, please see the link below:

AMP KiwiSaver Login

AMP KiwiSaver Scheme
Before checking your account performance through the AMP KiwiSaver Login, find out the top performer tailored to your needs.

The screenshot of the AMP KiwiSaver login page is for educational purposes only.

You can access the AMP KiwiSaver login page by clicking here.

You can use your email or username to go through the AMP KiwiSaver login page. Additionally, you need your password.

Have you forgotten your AMP KiwiSaver login username? You’ll need to enter your last name and date of birth to retrieve it. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can create a new one by following the instructions on the ‘forgot password’ link.

If you haven’t accessed the AMP KiwiSaver login before, you must register online first. You’ll need to enter your first and last name, email, date of birth, and phone number. The name and email address must match with AMP’s records of when you joined their scheme.

You can access the AMP KiwiSaver Login platform online or by downloading their mobile app. The mobile app is greatly beneficial for keeping up to date with your KiwiSaver progress while on the move.

Through your AMP KiwiSaver login, you have access to some great features like:

  • Retirement calculator to help plan your financial journey.
  • Changing funds online.
  • BetterMoney – money management tool.
  • Check your balance.
  • Make extra payments.
  • Apply for a significant financial hardship withdrawal.
  • First home withdrawal application.
  • Retirement withdrawal.
  • Apply for international pension transfers. 

For example, you can make a one-off extra payment (up to $100,000) or set up regular extra payments. All at your convenience through the AMP KiwiSaver login.

For help accessing your AMP KiwiSaver login, you can email [email protected].

AMP has an extensive sustainability policy which you can check out here as well as through your account. Checking periodically you can see what type of companies your fund invests in. That way, you can see whether there are any companies involved in controversial activities, firsthand.


List of AMP KiwiSaver Funds