KiwiSaver Questions

Detailed answers to your questions about KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver is one of our largest investments and will play a huge role in many Kiwis retirements. National Capital, a KiwiSaver advisory company has attempted to answer in detail questions that many of us have about KiwiSaver.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Which would help you get ahead more? Before deciding whether you should contribute more or pay off your debt, do...

Should I contribute more to KiwiSaver or pay off my debt?

Which would help you get ahead more? Before deciding whether you should contribute more or pay off your debt, do
A lot of investment funds, including KiwiSaver, are passively managed. This means that the fund managers may buy and hold...

What is an index fund and how does it work?

A lot of investment funds, including KiwiSaver, are passively managed. This means that the fund managers may buy and hold
KiwiSaver providers who are not actively attempting to reduce fees may be subject to 'stop orders' by the FMA. #KiwiSaver...

KiwiSaver providers charging high fees may be banned from getting new members

KiwiSaver providers who are not actively attempting to reduce fees may be subject to 'stop orders' by the FMA. #KiwiSaver
With so many funds available, picking the right one for yourself could be tricky. We can help you choose the...

How do we choose the most suitable KiwiSaver fund for you?

With so many funds available, picking the right one for yourself could be tricky. We can help you choose the


Taking the time to do these things now could optimise your investments in KiwiSaver, which will benefit you when it...

4 ways to get the most out of KiwiSaver

Taking the time to do these things now could optimise your investments in KiwiSaver, which will benefit you when it
The gender wage gap is flowing into KiwiSaver balances, affecting women's retirement savings. This problem highlights the importance of financial...

How Kiwi women are missing out on $60,000 in retirement savings

The gender wage gap is flowing into KiwiSaver balances, affecting women's retirement savings. This problem highlights the importance of financial
AMP’s NZWM announced recently that their KiwiSaver scheme will be moving from active to passive fund management, which will now...

AMP KiwiSaver scheme expecting a major fee reduction

AMP’s NZWM announced recently that their KiwiSaver scheme will be moving from active to passive fund management, which will now
Some fears surrounding investing and the stock market may not be as scary as you think. Don't let these uncertainties...

6 scary things about investing that are not actually scary

Some fears surrounding investing and the stock market may not be as scary as you think. Don't let these uncertainties
This scheme has been around for quite some time, but there are still some common misunderstandings on how KiwiSaver works,...

7 common myths about KiwiSaver

This scheme has been around for quite some time, but there are still some common misunderstandings on how KiwiSaver works,