KiwiSaver Questions

Detailed answers to your questions about KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver is one of our largest investments and will play a huge role in many Kiwis retirements. National Capital, a KiwiSaver advisory company has attempted to answer in detail questions that many of us have about KiwiSaver.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Does and should your KiwiSaver provider offer you financial advice NZ. How can financial advisers help with KiwiSaver success?...

Does Your KiwiSaver Provider offer Independent Financial Advice?

Does and should your KiwiSaver provider offer you financial advice NZ. How can financial advisers help with KiwiSaver success?
The FMA released guidance for KiwiSaver Managers back in April, 2021. What does mean for you and has it encouraged...

Have KiwiSaver Managers reacted since the FMA tightened their belt?

The FMA released guidance for KiwiSaver Managers back in April, 2021. What does mean for you and has it encouraged
Do you want your KiwiSaver money invested ethically? Could Fisher Funds be the right fund provider for you and your...

I want my KiwiSaver money invested ethically, should I invest with Fisher Funds?

Do you want your KiwiSaver money invested ethically? Could Fisher Funds be the right fund provider for you and your
When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with...

Is the ‘Risk Indicator’ on your KiwiSaver PDS useful or not?

When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with
We talk a lot about planning out your retirement and KiwiSaver account. But what happens to your KiwiSaver funds once...

What Happens to My KiwiSaver Account on My 65th Birthday?

We talk a lot about planning out your retirement and KiwiSaver account. But what happens to your KiwiSaver funds once
Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to...

Is Using KiwiSaver For Your First Home Deposit a Good Idea?

Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to
Once you've figured out your lumpsum, next step is to calculate your required returns. This way we can match your...

How much return do I need from my KiwiSaver account?

Once you've figured out your lumpsum, next step is to calculate your required returns. This way we can match your
Can I change my KiwiSaver contributions percentage? Will it affect my KiwiSaver government contribution? Find out more in this post...

Can I Change My KiwiSaver Contributions Percentage?

Can I change my KiwiSaver contributions percentage? Will it affect my KiwiSaver government contribution? Find out more in this post
Learning how to fully utilize your compounding returns could be the key to significant long term results....

How ‘Compounding’ Can Increase your KiwiSaver Return

Learning how to fully utilize your compounding returns could be the key to significant long term results.
What can I do if I have extra money to invest? KiwiSaver or other options?...

Is KiwiSaver The Best Option For Your Extra Savings To Go Towards?

What can I do if I have extra money to invest? KiwiSaver or other options?