KiwiSaver Questions

Detailed answers to your questions about KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver is one of our largest investments and will play a huge role in many Kiwis retirements. National Capital, a KiwiSaver advisory company has attempted to answer in detail questions that many of us have about KiwiSaver.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Why your KiwiSaver balance is dropping and how you can get the best financial advise to make informed KiwiSaver decisions...

Why is my KiwiSaver balance dropping?

Why your KiwiSaver balance is dropping and how you can get the best financial advise to make informed KiwiSaver decisions
What is Volatility Capacity, the Investment Horizon, and how do you calculate it?...

What is Volatility Capacity and the Investment Horizon?

What is Volatility Capacity, the Investment Horizon, and how do you calculate it?
Options available to you in retirement. Ensure a comfortable lifestyle. Retire with no money worries....

What happens to my KiwiSaver once I turn 65?

Options available to you in retirement. Ensure a comfortable lifestyle. Retire with no money worries.
Can you lose money in KiwiSaver? Let's explore two areas of concern: 1. Providers declaring bankruptcy 2. Seeing your KiwiSaver...

Can you lose money in KiwiSaver?

Can you lose money in KiwiSaver? Let's explore two areas of concern: 1. Providers declaring bankruptcy 2. Seeing your KiwiSaver
Why your KiwiSaver balance is dropping and how you can get the best financial advise to make informed KiwiSaver decisions...

Why is your KiwiSaver balance dropping?

Why your KiwiSaver balance is dropping and how you can get the best financial advise to make informed KiwiSaver decisions
As a member of KiwiSaver, the purpose can be to use it as a deposit for a first home, so...

What Stops You From Using KiwiSaver For First Home

As a member of KiwiSaver, the purpose can be to use it as a deposit for a first home, so
A more detailed view on what is Diversification, how does it relate to KiwiSaver, and how KiwiSaver schemes are chosen...

How KiwiSaver Schemes are Diversified

A more detailed view on what is Diversification, how does it relate to KiwiSaver, and how KiwiSaver schemes are chosen
KiwiSaver Government Contributions explained and how they can increase your KiwiSaver substantially...

How the  KiwiSaver Government contributions can turn into $165,000 at retirement

KiwiSaver Government Contributions explained and how they can increase your KiwiSaver substantially
What happens to my KiwiSaver money when I die? How do I plan for my KiwiSaver funds?...

What Happens to my KiwiSaver money if I Die?

What happens to my KiwiSaver money when I die? How do I plan for my KiwiSaver funds?
Do you know the best KiwiSaver fund for your personal circumstances? We will show you how to pick the best...

Should you just choose a KiwiSaver fund with the lowest fees?

Do you know the best KiwiSaver fund for your personal circumstances? We will show you how to pick the best