KiwiSaver Questions

Detailed answers to your questions about KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver is one of our largest investments and will play a huge role in many Kiwis retirements. National Capital, a KiwiSaver advisory company has attempted to answer in detail questions that many of us have about KiwiSaver.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Balancing your KiwiSaver ethically and financially involves a lot of consideration to find a middle ground....

What Should I Set My KiwiSaver Contribution At?

Balancing your KiwiSaver ethically and financially involves a lot of consideration to find a middle ground.
Opt out of KiwiSaver within 2-8 weeks using the KS10 form. Employers assist, late opt-outs may be considered up to...

Can employees opt out of KiwiSaver?

Opt out of KiwiSaver within 2-8 weeks using the KS10 form. Employers assist, late opt-outs may be considered up to

QuickFire Finance Course

This Free online course aims to provide a quick and easy way to help you learn and become more financially secure.

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Navigate KiwiSaver in NZ divorces. Learn about the 50:50 split, prenuptial options, and valuation for fair asset distribution. Legal guidance...

How is KiwiSaver treated in divorce?

Navigate KiwiSaver in NZ divorces. Learn about the 50:50 split, prenuptial options, and valuation for fair asset distribution. Legal guidance
Find out if KiwiSaver can be used to pay off credit card debts and the strict criteria for financial hardship...

Can I Use My KiwiSaver To Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

Find out if KiwiSaver can be used to pay off credit card debts and the strict criteria for financial hardship
Explore common reasons for KiwiSaver withdrawals, including retirement, first home, financial hardship, illness, emigration, and unfortunate circumstances....

What Reasons Can You Withdraw From KiwiSaver?

Explore common reasons for KiwiSaver withdrawals, including retirement, first home, financial hardship, illness, emigration, and unfortunate circumstances.
Moving Australian Superannuation to New Zealand KiwiSaver...

Want to bring your AU Super home to KiwiSaver? Here’s how to get started!

Moving Australian Superannuation to New Zealand KiwiSaver
The Difference between Australian Superannuation and New Zealand KiwiSaver...

Differences Between KiwiSaver and Australian Superannuation

The Difference between Australian Superannuation and New Zealand KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver’s Ethical Investing Approach Proves Profitable: Maximising Returns With Conscience

KiwiSaver’s Ethical Investing Approach Proves Profitable
Should I pay off my mortgage or contribute to KiwiSaver?...

Pay off Mortgage or contribute to KiwiSaver?

Should I pay off my mortgage or contribute to KiwiSaver?
While both serve as retirement savings plans for the less engaged investors, they do follow different strategies and frameworks....

How KiwiSaver Compares To Australian Superannuation Funds

While both serve as retirement savings plans for the less engaged investors, they do follow different strategies and frameworks.