KiwiSaver News

Latest news and updates about KiwiSaver

Stay updated with the latest happenings and news regarding KiwiSaver. In these articles National Capital tells who what has changed and how this may affect your own KiwiSaver investment.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

KiwiSaver and cryptocurrencies. How is Bitcoin NZ being embraced by KiwiSaver providers?...

Bitcoin NZ: KiwiSaver Provider Funds Enters the Market

KiwiSaver and cryptocurrencies. How is Bitcoin NZ being embraced by KiwiSaver providers?
With house prices rising, some experts feel that KiwiSaver should be changed to help more people get a step onto...

Experts call for changes in KiwiSaver rules to help home buyers

With house prices rising, some experts feel that KiwiSaver should be changed to help more people get a step onto

QuickFire Finance Course

This Free online course aims to provide a quick and easy way to help you learn and become more financially secure.

To keep things engaging we’ve got videos, blogs and more for you to learn from.

Financial advice has been shown to have positive outcomes for people. However, research has show only 18% of people receive...

Kiwis ‘need advice more than ever before’, but we’re not getting it. – Financial Services Council

Financial advice has been shown to have positive outcomes for people. However, research has show only 18% of people receive
381,034 KiwiSaver investors have over $4 billion in default KiwiSaver funds. Do you know if you're part of that group?...

With over $4 billion in default KiwiSaver funds, many New Zealanders are in the wrong KiwiSaver fund

381,034 KiwiSaver investors have over $4 billion in default KiwiSaver funds. Do you know if you're part of that group?
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is particularly annoyed regarding the recent delays in transferring of KiwiSaver contributions to fund managers....

NZ Taxpayers’ Union Annoyed About IRD’s KiwiSaver Delays

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is particularly annoyed regarding the recent delays in transferring of KiwiSaver contributions to fund managers.
Select Wealth Management is launching their new KiwiSaver scheme which will run in partnership with JMI Wealth and Smartshares....

New advice-focused KiwiSaver scheme being launched

Select Wealth Management is launching their new KiwiSaver scheme which will run in partnership with JMI Wealth and Smartshares.
KiwiSaver providers who are not actively attempting to reduce fees may be subject to 'stop orders' by the FMA. #KiwiSaver...

KiwiSaver providers charging high fees may be banned from getting new members

KiwiSaver providers who are not actively attempting to reduce fees may be subject to 'stop orders' by the FMA. #KiwiSaver
AMP’s NZWM announced recently that their KiwiSaver scheme will be moving from active to passive fund management, which will now...

AMP KiwiSaver scheme expecting a major fee reduction

AMP’s NZWM announced recently that their KiwiSaver scheme will be moving from active to passive fund management, which will now
InvestNow has launched a KiwiSaver scheme for DIY investors, offering higher flexibility on investment options from a range of passive...

New KiwiSaver Scheme offers more options to diversify investments

InvestNow has launched a KiwiSaver scheme for DIY investors, offering higher flexibility on investment options from a range of passive
The second largest ETF provider in the world has announced that it would return around AU$160 billion managed on behalf...

KiwiSaver providers to rehome billions of dollars as Vanguard moves to retail

The second largest ETF provider in the world has announced that it would return around AU$160 billion managed on behalf