KiwiSaver News

Latest news and updates about KiwiSaver

Stay updated with the latest happenings and news regarding KiwiSaver. In these articles National Capital tells who what has changed and how this may affect your own KiwiSaver investment.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Generate KiwiSaver provider invests $20 million into the Growth 6 Fund by Movac. Investment opportunities arise....

‘KiwiSaver Investment Opportunities’ – Generate Invests $20 Million Into Tech Fund

Generate KiwiSaver provider invests $20 million into the Growth 6 Fund by Movac. Investment opportunities arise.
A KiwiSaver advisers view and review on the Sharsies KiwiSaver scheme...

KiwiSaver Advisers view on Sharesies upcoming KiwiSaver Scheme

A KiwiSaver advisers view and review on the Sharsies KiwiSaver scheme
This last year Kiwis with KiwiSaver have experienced more volatility, why has this occurred and what can you do?...

KiwiSavers Long-term Benefits Not Undermined by 2022’s Volatility

This last year Kiwis with KiwiSaver have experienced more volatility, why has this occurred and what can you do?
A recent decision has allowed four drivers the status of employees, enabling them to make full use of the KiwiSaver...

KiwiSaver News: Uber drivers becoming employees

A recent decision has allowed four drivers the status of employees, enabling them to make full use of the KiwiSaver
Temporary migrants could be years behind in their retirement savings because of this current KiwiSaver policy preventing temporary migrants from...

KiwiSaver News: $3 billion lost in KiwiSaver for Temporary Migrants

Temporary migrants could be years behind in their retirement savings because of this current KiwiSaver policy preventing temporary migrants from
It's becoming a real challenge for people to make ends meet and Kiwis are having to use substantial amounts of...

Retired Kiwis Spending Substantial Amounts of KiwiSaver on Housing Costs

It's becoming a real challenge for people to make ends meet and Kiwis are having to use substantial amounts of
QuayStreet's Growth Fund has become one of the top 5 Growth KiwiSaver Funds with the 5th best 5-year average return...

KiwiSaver News: QuayStreet Growth Fund Breaks Into The Top 5 Growth Funds

QuayStreet's Growth Fund has become one of the top 5 Growth KiwiSaver Funds with the 5th best 5-year average return
Kernel Wealth, a New Zealand-based investment company, launched its KiwiSaver plan in May 2022. New to the KiwiSaver world, Kernel...

Kernel Wealth Launches KiwiSaver Scheme

Kernel Wealth, a New Zealand-based investment company, launched its KiwiSaver plan in May 2022. New to the KiwiSaver world, Kernel
KiwiSaver Investors Must Be Aware Of Unethical Greenwashing....

KiwiSaver Investors Must Be Aware Of Unethical Greenwashing

KiwiSaver Investors Must Be Aware Of Unethical Greenwashing.
Fisher Funds is Acquiring KiwiWealth for $310million to become the second-largest KiwiSaver provider in the country....

KiwiSaver News: Fisher Funds Acquires KiwiWealth

Fisher Funds is Acquiring KiwiWealth for $310million to become the second-largest KiwiSaver provider in the country.