Investing Concepts

What do I need to know before investing?

Investing for our future is become more important than ever since government help like NZ Super is no longer enough to live a comfortable retirement. These articles attempt to explain investment concepts to make us all better investors and have better outcomes.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

The FMA released guidance for KiwiSaver Managers back in April, 2021. What does mean for you and has it encouraged...

Have KiwiSaver Managers reacted since the FMA tightened their belt?

The FMA released guidance for KiwiSaver Managers back in April, 2021. What does mean for you and has it encouraged
Do you want your KiwiSaver money invested ethically? Could Fisher Funds be the right fund provider for you and your...

I want my KiwiSaver money invested ethically, should I invest with Fisher Funds?

Do you want your KiwiSaver money invested ethically? Could Fisher Funds be the right fund provider for you and your
When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with...

Is the ‘Risk Indicator’ on your KiwiSaver PDS useful or not?

When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with
Your support of these local companies, through your KiwiSaver savings, enable these companies to continue their transition and will support...

Socially conscious investing in KiwiSaver to enhance your sustainability

Your support of these local companies, through your KiwiSaver savings, enable these companies to continue their transition and will support
Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to...

Is Using KiwiSaver For Your First Home Deposit a Good Idea?

Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to
Most Savings accounts are actually losing value over time due to inflation. Learn how to avoid this!...

New Zealand Inflation Rate – How your Savings could be Losing Value

Most Savings accounts are actually losing value over time due to inflation. Learn how to avoid this!
Learning how to fully utilize your compounding returns could be the key to significant long term results....

How ‘Compounding’ Can Increase your KiwiSaver Return

Learning how to fully utilize your compounding returns could be the key to significant long term results.
What is Dollar Cost Averaging and how is it helping you use changes in the market to favour your KiwiSaver...

How Dollar Cost Averaging can Help make more Money in your KiwiSaver

What is Dollar Cost Averaging and how is it helping you use changes in the market to favour your KiwiSaver
If you have some serious medical problems, you may be eligible to withdraw your KiwiSaver money under a limited number...

Can I access KiwiSaver money early if I have health issues?

If you have some serious medical problems, you may be eligible to withdraw your KiwiSaver money under a limited number
The KiwiSaver rules for those moving to another country are different. They are important to know if you are going...

What happens to KiwiSaver money if I emigrate?

The KiwiSaver rules for those moving to another country are different. They are important to know if you are going