KiwiSaver Advice

Latest KiwiSaver news and articles

National Capital is specialised in KiwiSaver and Investment research. We advise Kiwis on over $70 million of their KiwiSaver savings providing free KiwiSaver advice, with the goal of empowering one million kiwis to become financially secure.

We have tried to answer the question, “How do I ensure I am in the right KiwiSaver strategy and fund for my needs?” by creating this comprehensive resource for all your KiwiSaver related questions, and other information we think you should know.

However, please note that this is not personalised financial advice. If you want advice based on your own circumstances and goals, please start by submitting our KiwiSaver HealthCheck.

Do I really need KiwiSaver advice? Here are 5 common reasons why you may be avoiding getting KiwiSaver advice and
Most Popular
Performance Reports

Crypto creeping into KiwiSaver

Some KiwiSaver Providers have started to use CryptoCurrency with the fund provider Kōura making big waves with its new Fund.

Savings Rate vs. Investment Return Rate

The importance of your savings rate compared to the importance of your investment return rate.

QuickFire Finance Course

This Free online course aims to provide a quick and easy way to help you learn and become more financially secure.

To keep things engaging we’ve got videos, blogs and more for you to learn from.

Some KiwiSaver Providers have started to use CryptoCurrency with the fund provider Kōura making big waves with its new Fund....

Crypto creeping into KiwiSaver

Some KiwiSaver Providers have started to use CryptoCurrency with the fund provider Kōura making big waves with its new Fund.
The importance of your savings rate compared to the importance of your investment return rate....

Savings Rate vs. Investment Return Rate

The importance of your savings rate compared to the importance of your investment return rate.
When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with...

Is the ‘Risk Indicator’ on your KiwiSaver PDS useful or not?

When deciding which KiwiSaver fund to go with, how much weight do you put into the 'Risk Indicator' associated with
Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to...

Is Using KiwiSaver For Your First Home Deposit a Good Idea?

Pros and cons of making a decision on buying your first home with your KiwiSaver First Home Deposit. Potential to
National Capital offers a full guide of everything you need to know about KiwiSaver Tax. PIR calculator included in the...

KiwiSaver Tax – The Complete Guide

National Capital offers a full guide of everything you need to know about KiwiSaver Tax. PIR calculator included in the
New fee regulations get put in place for KiwiSaver Fund Managers by the New Zealand Financial Markets Authorities. A new...

New Fee Regulations on KiwiSaver Managers implemented by the Financial Markets Authority

New fee regulations get put in place for KiwiSaver Fund Managers by the New Zealand Financial Markets Authorities. A new
KiwiSaver, first home loans and the new government regulations....

New Regulations For First Home Buyers and KiwiSaver Loans

KiwiSaver, first home loans and the new government regulations.
KiwiSaver and cryptocurrencies. How is Bitcoin NZ being embraced by KiwiSaver providers?...

Bitcoin in NZ: KiwiSaver Provider Funds Enters the Market

KiwiSaver and cryptocurrencies. How is Bitcoin NZ being embraced by KiwiSaver providers?
Can I change my KiwiSaver contributions percentage? Will it affect my KiwiSaver government contribution? Find out more in this post...

Can I Change My KiwiSaver Contributions Percentage?

Can I change my KiwiSaver contributions percentage? Will it affect my KiwiSaver government contribution? Find out more in this post
Can single parents sign their kids up for KiwiSaver? What do single parents have to do to sign their kids...

Solo Parents and KiwiSaver

Can single parents sign their kids up for KiwiSaver? What do single parents have to do to sign their kids